Becoming a father: what’s next?
Becoming a father: what’s next?
How to be and what to do.
1. Responding appropriately.
Men think that fatherhood begins after the baby is born. But it doesn’t. Recent research shows that the health and behavior of the father affects the child even before conception. But it’s still not common for men to talk openly about their relationship to pregnancy. Meanwhile, the first words after the news of pregnancy are remembered forever.

What to do:
It is important to support your partner, even if you feel panic and desire to return to a carefree childhood. Even if the pregnancy is planned, the mother-to-be is probably just as frightened. If it happened unexpectedly, support is even more valuable. It’s important to let the woman know that she has support for all occasions.
2. Make a schedule.
“Time manager for dads” – such an app would be a success in the marketplace. Going to the doctors, setting up the house, buying the necessities – this is an incomplete list of new worries. And that’s without the “tell the news to all the relatives” item.

What to do:
It’s important to schedule enough time to help your partner, learn about parenthood, and play sports. There is a lot written about fatherhood in many different languages today. Training is not necessary, but with preparation it is easier to get up at night and turn into a horse or slide for the baby. Don’t forget the humor either.
3. set aside money.
You can never have enough money – one of the cardinal rules of parenthood comes into play right after the news of pregnancy. Of course, costs vary on a case-by-case basis, but there will be, and that’s a fact.

What to do:It is important to save up at least the minimum amount that will come in handy in emergencies. Buying everything in advance is definitely not possible, so immediately after the birth of the baby, the savings will come in handy.
4. Be patient and mark on the map of convenience stores with food
A woman’s body during pregnancy is a volcano of hormones, which is ready to erupt with tears, screams, laughter or anger. And it’s all within minutes.

What to do:
Show involvement and respect. A woman’s well-being changes dramatically, and the symptoms can range from swollen gums to a feeling of sand in the eyes. And she needs support first and foremost.
5. Don’t plan for the sex of the baby.
There are many legends about why men want a son. There are dreams of a great dynasty, fear of women, and a subconscious desire to avoid divorce.

What to do:
Realize that the gender of the baby is not a cause for conflict. Focus on the support and health of your unborn child, whether it’s a boy or a girl.
6. Don’t say goodbye to friends.
It will take some time for men to rebuild relationships with friends, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it.
What to do
Prioritize and tell your mates straight up. This will get rid of all the awkward situations.
Scientists confirm that the participation and help of men before the birth of the baby has a positive effect on the health of all family members. In addition, men who helped the woman before the birth, most likely, will continue to do so after. This will also have an effect on the babies: the children will have good results in learning and social development.