7 reasons to be happy if a woman earns more than a man
7 reasons to be happy if a woman earns more than a man
Why it’s good for a man.
1. There is a very intelligent and goal-oriented woman around. So, if the wife got a good position with a high salary, it shows that she is a really cool professional – statistically speaking, probably cooler than the male competitors who applied for the same position.

2. The wife didn’t choose her husband because of the money. Obviously, if the wife can provide for herself, she most likely chose her husband out of love.
3. If the man loses his job, the world won’t collapse in an instant. When money is brought into the family by one person, economic well-being becomes unstable. It will take some time to find a new job. And this way the wife will be able to back up her husband for a while.

4. The man does not need to be responsible for everything. Being the only breadwinner in the family is stressful, because losing a job or a household injury will leave the whole family without money. The wife’s high salary allows this burden to be redistributed from two shoulders to four, and so it becomes much easier.
5. Equal rights entail equal responsibilities. It is considered normal when a man provides for the family, and a woman for a while “looking for herself”, for example, going to courses and trainings. This works both ways.

6. Men also get expensive gifts. Men often resent being given a smartphone and getting conditional socks in return. And they miss the fact that women often have nothing to save money from to buy gadgets.

7. There is an incentive to develop and a reason to be proud. When someone around you is improving and winning new victories, it’s a great incentive to develop too, to grow together. After all, the fruits of joint work go for the benefit of both of you, and the increasing family budget is usually happy.